There are several signs that you need to look for when you think your cat has had a stroke.
The first sign is that you are going to need to check the alertness of the car. This means that the cat is not going to be acting like their normal self. This is when you are going to need to check the general health of the car. If the car has lost its consciousness, then you are going to need to make sure that the cat is breathing. You will also want to make sure that the car is responding to the sound of your voice when you talk to them.
The second sign is to look for any signs that the cat is depressed. This means that the cat might seem quiet and does not respond the way that they used to you when you are playing or talking to them. More than likely, this is going to happen because the cat is feeling some of the symptoms of the stroke. Some of these symptoms might include feeling woozy, disoriented, and nauseous. Something else that the cat might be suffering from after a stroke is a thumping headache, so they are not going to know how to respond to having this type of headache.
Head Tilt
The third sign is when the cat has a head tilt that is abnormal. This means that the cat is going to hold their head at a weird angle when the ear is going to be lower than the other ear. This means that the cat might do a lot of twisting, tilting, or turning of their head. The cat is going to be doing this because the stroke has caused the cat to have some pressure on a certain part of their brain. But you will need to take the cat to the vet because this could be a sign of other problems in the cat-like vestibule disease or inner ear.
The fourth sign is when you notice that the cat is walking unstable or circling around. This means that the car is going to have problems walking in a straight line. Therefore, it is going to look like the cat is drunk or they might fall to one side. This is just going to be another sign that the cat is going to have some pressure on their brain. You might notice that the cat is going to have some weakness in their legs. Something else that you might see in the cat is that they are going to have tremors, which is going to be a seizure that they are having.
The fifth sign is that you are going to need to look at the eyes of the cat. This is because if the cat has had a stroke, then their pupils are going to be different sizes. There is also a chance that they are going to flick from side to side when you are looking at them. This is going to happen because the blood is not flowing to the eyes like it is supposed to. You might also notice that the cat is going to be nauseous like they have a little bit of motion sickness from the side effects of the stroke.